這部電影Alien Autopsy(外星人解剖)的劇情出乎我意料的好笑,尤其很多小細節令人發笑,像Ray Santilli看到朋友們準備的假外星人道具,驚嘆地說:I’m a genius!結果他的朋友們全都轉頭瞪他,Ray Santilli才改口說:You’re geniuses!
對於我最有感覺的地方是,我覺得我就像Gary Shoefield一樣,除了企管外也主修法律,出社會在人力資源部門工作,Gary則是在一家餅乾公司的法務部門,升遷輪不到我,工作就像雞肋,食之無味棄之可惜。對於自己想要的東西講不出具體,所以有點羨慕Ray Santilli的積極樂觀、異想天開的個性,我想要學習他goal getter的精神,要衝一點,熱情積極一點,而且就像Lisa說的 ”Don’t take yourself too seriously.” 人生有很多事是無法預期的,所以不要太在意別人,充實自己的人生歷練才是重點,Relax and enjoy my life!

Bullet Point
1. adoption綁架
2. Making movie is not hard as you think.
3. illegal alien非法移民
4. remake電影重拍;renewal重編、重建
5. 茶花女La traviata
6. 3F:fly、flee、fight;窮寇莫追
7. cliffhanger
(1) a contest whose outcome is uncertain up to the very end
(2) an episode that ends in suspense

season finale -- 這一季的最後一集戲
cliffhanger -- 懸疑的結尾
premier -- first 第一集
The season finale ended in a cliffhanger.這一季的最後一集以懸疑收場
The season premier will resolve it.下一季開始的第一集將會使真相大白

8. 4P:product、price、promotion、place
9. economic of scale規模經濟
10. cry wolf狼來了
11. makeover
(1) an overall beauty treatment (involving a person's hair style and cosmetics and clothing) intended to change or improve a person's appearance
(2) a complete reconstruction and renovation of something; "the blighted neighborhood underwent a total makeover"
(1) the way in which someone or something is composed [syn: {constitution},{composition}]
(2) cosmetics applied to the face to improve or change your appearance [syn: {make-up}, {war paint}]
(3) an event that is substituted for a previously cancelled event; "he missed the test and had to take a makeup"; "the two teams played a makeup one week later"

12. punch:an iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings; normally served in a punch bowl (
punch party?
13. sarcasm:witty language used to convey insults or scorn
irony:A sort of humor, ridicule, or light sarcasm, which adopts a mode of speech the meaning of which is contrary to the literal sense of the words.客觀事實的諷刺
14. appointed to bench

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